(Game Review) Echo Generation

Time to read: 2 min read

Game Cover Game Cover

Lookin' for trouble.

Platform played on: Xbox Series X, PC


Developed by Toronto-based game studio Cococucumber, Echo Generation takes place in a small town in the 90s and follows a gang of kids who investigate supernatural occurrences.

Exploring the town Exploring the town

The game uses a voxel art style with a very retro soundtrack. The game has a very nostalgic feel (despite the vast majority of my childhood not being in the 90s). The story is decent and reminiscent of Stephen King coming-of-age novels, albeit much more lighthearted. The dialogues are pretty witty and enjoyable. Despite this, there are parts of the game that are very suspenseful with heavy atmospheres. The plot centers around various well-established sci-fi themes and tropes, and the overall story feels disjointed, almost like multiple different storylines being pasted together.

Funny Dialogue Sarcastic cat

The core gameplay involves gang traveling and exploring the different areas. The combat is turn-based with real-time controls. It is engaging but can get very repetitive, especially when the game requires you to backtrack (very often) or you have to grind levels.

Combat Turn-based combat


A polished game but a tad too repetitive.

Overall rating: 7.4

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