(Book Review) Gleipnir [グレイプニル]

Time to read: 2 min read

Book Cover Book Cover

Special powers, incredible strength- these things aren't scary. What's scary is the people who use these powers.


I actually first learned of this quirky body horror manga series after watching the first season of the anime. The story follows Shuichi Kagaya, a graduating high school student who discovers that he has a hidden ability to transform into a large stuffed animal with superhuman powers. He teams up with Claire Aoki, a classmate, to investigate the secret behind his powers and to uncover a large conspiracy happening in his town.

The story is actually pretty interesting and the mystery is pretty engaging, although the story does take a turn in the latter half to a more generic young adult story with a complicated plot. The art style and character design both feel unique and add interesting twists to the story. The action and violence are also pretty fun. One thing that definitely threw me off is how Takeda kept trying to sexualize everything, which threw off the story’s pacing in many instances and is not only weird but also out of place. The manga is also very light on dialogue so one can probably get through the entire series in one sitting.


An pretty engaging premise but some weird plot points; it feels like a teenage sexual fantasy at points.

Overall rating: 7.2

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