(Film Review) Chasing Coral

Time to read: 1 min read

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In the last 30 years, we have lost 50% of the world’s corals.


Chasing Coral is a beautiful documentary about the plight of climate change on corals. It covers basic details about corals, such as how corals are actually animals formed with lots of polyps and how a rise in temperature of 2 degrees will cause coral reefs to bleach.

The film follows marine biologists and other people working to document and save corals. I found it very interesting that many experts believe that the core issue is about communication, as many people don’t understand or fully appreciate how dire the situation is with the mass coral extinction and the follow-on effects on marine ecosystems. To that end there were several interesting methods to solve the problem, such as XL Catlin’s use of advertising and marketing for corals. Overall I found the film to be moving but also informative, such as providing insights on filming a documentary underwater.


A moving documentary about scientific communication and climate change.

Overall rating: 8.1

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