(Film Review) Letters to Juliet

Time to read: 1 min read

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"What" and "If" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.


It was my girlfriend’s turn to pick a movie and she picked this. It’s a romcom about an American girl named Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) who travels to Verona Italy and encounters the “Secretaries of Juliet”, a group of women who respond to letters addressed to the fictional character of Juliet Capulet about their relationship troubles.

The story is clichéd, filled with archetypal characters and deus ex machina plot devices. The acting is decent but nothing to write home about. Seyfried’s Sophie and Christopher Egan’s Charlie are good foils for one another while Vanessa Redgrave’s Claire plays the role of facilitator. My favourite part of the film is probably the spanning shots of the Italian countryside.


Not my cup of tea but I can see why people find these movies charming.

Overall rating: 6.5

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