(Film Review) Requiem for a Dream

Time to read: 1 min read

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This movie portrays addiction but also delusion and escapism; it portrays how one's pursuit of filling their internal voids turns their dreams into nightmares. The story follows 4 addicts who throughout their struggles with addiction.

This film is fast-paced with surreal elements. The cinematography is incredible; I especially like the timelapse and stop motion shots, which are creative and memerizing. The acting is incredible, especially the desperate optimism portrayed by Jared Leto and the manic swings portrayed by Ellen Burstyn.

This movie is terrifying, not in a jump-scare sense, but in a psychological terror sense. It's heartbreaking to see the characters, who initially had hope and aspirations, slowly spiral into desperation and ultimately despair.


One of the heaviest films I've watched in a while.

Overall rating: 8.5

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