(Film Review) The Expendables

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This film has almost every action movie star you can think of; it stars Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross, the leader of a mercenary group and Jason Statham as Lee Christmas, his second-in-command. The supporting cast include action legends such as Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, and Mickey Rourke. Even MMA legend Randy Couture and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin were in the film. It even featured cameos from Arnold Schwarzenegger (while he was still in office) and Bruce Willis. As a child watching it when it first came out, I was blown away and was convinced it was one of the greatest action movies ever made; rewatching it now, it felt very disappointing.

The story is incredibly generic and the dialogue is filled with macho clichés and one-liners. It’s corny but almost charming in its simplicity. There is some character development, mainly with Stallone’s Ross, but the focus of the movie is not on the characters, nor even on the story. Like how Hallmark churns out Christmas rom-coms without any substance and targeting a very specific demographic, this movie is like that, but for people who like big explosions and non-stop action sequences. It’s stupid and simple, but also kind of fun. There were so many errors and discontinuities, but that somehow added more fun to the film.


A movie that accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish.

Overall rating: 7.0

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