(Game Review) Adios

Time to read: 1 min read

Game Cover Game Cover

I’m just, y’know, done with this.

Platform played on: Xbox One (One X Enhanced)


In this game you play as a pig farmer (Rick Zieff) who has been disposing of bodies for the mob but now wants out. The game follows a conversation between the farmer and a hitman from the mob (D.C. Douglas).

Conversation Convsersation with the hitman

The gameplay involves navigating the conversation and playing different minigames. To be honest, the gameplay is very lacking and the game relies on the narrative, such as uncovering the farmer’s backstory. The story is unfortunately relatively superficial and the characters, including the protagonist, are pretty one-dimensional. The pacing is also on the slower end. The game is very short and I think it’s worth picking up only if it’s on sale (I personally received it through Xbox Games with Gold).

Minigame Sample minigame


A lackluster crime drama that drags on at times.

Overall rating: 6.6

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