(Game Review) Among Us

Time to read: 2 min read

Game Cover Game Cover


Platform played on: Mobile (Android), PC


Perhaps due to the introverted nature of gaming, one of the most difficult genres of games to design and implement is one where the core mechanisms of the game involve social interactions. Among Us has somehow managed to accomplish just this.

The premise of the game is simple; players are divided into two groups: Crewmates and Imposters. Most of the players are Crewmates, and their goal is to complete all the tasks onboard the spaceship and uncover the identity of the Imposters. The Imposters' goal is to sabotage the spaceship and kill off the Crewmates.

Screen Shot Walking Around the Ship

There are a variety of tasks to be completed by the Crewmates and for the Imposter, there are many mechanisms available, such as using vents to travel around unseen and sabotaging the ship to make completing tasks harder.

Screen Shot Completing Tasks

Ultimately the game boils down to voting for who is the Imposter; players can chat in-game to determine who they think is the most suspicious. Game theory plays a large part.

Screen Shot In-Game Chat

While playing with strangers can be fun, Among Us is a game meant to be played with friends on voice chat. During the quarantine it has been impossible to meet up with friends and this game made for an excellent opportunity to hang out virtually and catch up.


A simple game with an interesting social mechanic.

Overall rating: 8.4

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