(Game Review) Bananagrams Duel!

Time to read: 1 min read

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Platforms played on: Physical


This game is a speedy version of Scrabble, where two players race against one another to use up all their letter cubes to create words. Like Scrabble, the words have to connect with one another by at least one letter.

There are two ways to play the game. The first way is to just race to use up all the letters in words. The second way is to incorporate theme cards; one of the words made must follow the theme. Honestly, one doesn’t have to be constricted by the rules. I actually had a lot of fun making up house rules to play the game, such as creating my own themes and setting more constraints on the solutions, such as having at least two words that fall under the theme or having a word that’s at least 5 letters long. The game is also pretty versatile because the cubes offer more letter options than just tiles.


A simple travel-sized word game for two players.

Overall rating: 7.3

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