(Game Review) Danganronpa 2:​ Goodbye Despair [スーパーダンガンロンパ2 さよなら絶望学園]

Time to read: 3 min read

Game Cover Game Cover

I think it shows great courage to try to understand something you don't understand.

Previous Danganronpa game:

Platform played on: Xbox One (Anniversary Edition), PC (Anniversary Edition)


This game follows the same premise as the first Danganronpa, where a group of high school students with Ultimate talents are gathered at a location and asked to play a killing game. The talents range from the benign, such as being the best mechanic or the best gymnast, to the more wacky, such as being the best gangster or the best animal breeder. Instead of being trapped in a high school, this time the 16 participants are now trapped on a remote island resort by Usami, who wishes for the 16 students to relax and get along. Things quickly go awry; the killing game restarts and the students are asked to commit a murder and get away with it in order to escape the island.

Usami Usami

Again, the story is filled with wacky Japanese humour (such as naming the saloon “Titty Typhoon”) and exciting plot twists. The main gameplay is a visual novel, where the player reads through the story from the perspective of the protagonist, Hajime Hinata, who does not remember his ultimate talent. The player can explore the island and interact with the different objects and characters. The player can also progress different relationships with the other characters. There are some new mechanics, such as raising digital pets, but those mechanics are largely fluff.

Resort Interacting with objects and characters

The best part of this game is again the class trials, where Hajime has to participate in a debate with the other students to determine the identity of the killer. The main debate mechanic is still very engaging but some of the mini games are pretty tedious, especially the new Hangman’s Gambit, which is very difficult to play with a controller, and Logic Dive, which is a very crudely made snowboarding game.

Class trial Class trial

Boring mini game Boring mini game

After completing the main game is completed, much like the first game, there is Island Mode, where the game becomes about resource management and the player can complete social links with the main game’s characters. In addition, there is a light novel on an alternate storyline of the first game, as well as a new gamemode called Magical Girl Miracle ★ Monomi, where one plays as Usami and has to fight different monsters by running circles around them. Again, most of these side mini games feel like fluff just to pad the main game.

Magical Girl Miracle Monomi Magical Girl Miracle ★ Monomi

As with the first game, the Anniversary Edition port is not great on PC. The game speed is very unstable (usually too fast, making some of the mini games very annoying to play) and the game’s environment also doesn’t load properly. I also had issues with the game’s achievement system and couldn’t unlock the achievement for unlocking all others, despite fulfilling the requirements.


A decent game but too much low-quality filler.

Overall rating: 7.2

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