(Game Review) Exploding Kittens

Time to read: 3 min read

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Platform played on: Physical, Mobile (Android)


Created by the people behind The Oatmeal webcomics, Exploding Kittens is a cute Russian roulette card game where players draw from a pile of cards and try to avoid the Exploding Kitten cards. There are various other cards which can be played, including skipping one’s turn at drawing from the pile or stealing a card from an opposing player.

The game is very quick, both to play and to pick up. The matches are very quick and the abilities of each card are written on the face of the cards so it's very easy to learn. The game meta itself is relatively simple and luck factors into the gameplay a great deal. My favourite aspect of the game is the The Oatmeal cartoon artstyle and sense of humour, which are very fun and engaging. The game does get boring after a couple of rounds, but can be fun when played periodically.

There is a mobile version of the game for both iOS and Android. The game does cost money but is pretty well-made. The player can match against other people (the game is crossplay between iOS and Android) and you can play against the AI. The game’s animations and effects are both very high quality. The only downside is that the game features in-game purchases in addition to the purchasing price of the main app.

Screenshot Playing against AI


A quick game to play once in a while.

Overall rating: 7.6

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There are several add-on packs in addition to the base game.

Imploding Kittens

This is the first add-on pack released for the base game, and it increases the number of players from 5 to 6. The pack is only 20 cards but introduces new mechanics such as the Imploding Kitten, which acts like an Exploding Kitten but is placed face up and cannot be defused. The game also came with the "Cone of Shame" which is a physical cone worn by the player who first forgets whose turn it is.

Overall rating: 8.0

Exploding Kittens Party Pack

This is a re-release of the base game but updated to be played up to 10 players. This is the version of the game one should get if one is buying the game for the first time. While this version includes almost everything from Imploding Kittens add-on, it doesn't include the actual Imploding Kitten, and it also swaps the Attack mechanic from the base game with the Slap mechanic from the mobile game. Despite this, it's a balanced game and probably the best package for value. My favourite aspect of the game is its box, which plays conga dance music when opened.

Overall rating: 8.1