(Game Review) Fuzion Frenzy

Time to read: 2 min read

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Samson just showed you how it's done!

Platform played on: Xbox


Fuzion Frenzy feels like Microsoft’s response to Nintendo’s wildly popular Mario Party party game franchise. In Fuzion Frenzy, up to four players compete against each other in a variety of minigames.

Screenshot Minigame

I grew up playing this a bunch with my friend on his Xbox and back then I found it very fun. Having recently played it again, I have a more nuanced opinion, especially since I play party games quite often. The gameplay doesn’t include a persistent gameboard, which removes the element of randomness from the gameloop while simultaneously speeding up the rounds, as the amount of time the players spend outside of minigames is reduced. The minigames are pretty fun and most of them involve playing against the other players. The minigames do tend to have similar themes and can get repetitive; this is especially the case with the mandatory Fuzion Frenzy Round at the end of each stage, where players fight each other to collect the most orbs. The graphics are a bit dated by today’s standards but still hold up relatively well. As with most party games, Fuzion Frenzy is best enjoyed with friends and in short bursts.

Screenshot Fuzion Frenzy Round


A pretty fun party game.

Overall rating: 7.6

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I would recommend using the tutorial by Per Jorner and although I haven't tried it, I've heard that installing the unofficial patch makes the bugs much less painful.