(Game Review) Goosebumps:​ The Game

Time to read: 1 min read

Game Cover Game Cover

Wait didn’t you already… There’s no time to collect your thoughts– there’s something shuffling towards you.

Platform played on: Xbox One


This is a point and click adventure game where the player has to face various creatures who escaped from R. L. Stine’s Goosebumps book series. Growing up, I’ve read many of the Goosebumps books so this game felt very nostalgic.

Even though the game is supposed to be a horror game, it’s not particularly scary. The game feels like reading an interactive Goosebumps book; the player transitions from static scene to scene where each scene has some basic repetitive animations.

Screenshot Sample in-game scene

There really isn’t an overarching story arc; it feels that the developers wanted to fit as many references to Stine’s books as possible, the entire experience felt a bit crowded. I would’ve preferred if there were less references but each included reference is better developed.


Very nostalgic but an ok game.

Overall rating: 6.6

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