(Game Review) Ravenlok

Time to read: 2 min read

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According to legend, in the time of darkness, a hero with raven hair will emerge to restore goodness in the realm.

Previous Cococucumber review:

Platform played on: Xbox Series X


Toronto-based game studio Cococucumber is back and this time the game follows a girl who gets transported to a fantastical world where she is the prophesied Ravenlok, the saviour who will overthrow the evil Queen Dreda.

Exploring Exploring the fanatstical world

The game uses the signature Cococucumber voxel artstyle and the graphics are pretty solid with bright and vibrant colours. The game feels targeted at a younger audience, with an Alice in Wonderland-inspired story. The dialogue is lighthearted and the story is generic but decent.

Dialogue Dialogue with interesting characters

The gameplay this time is action instead of turn-based. Honestly, the combat is very easy, even at higher difficulties and even against bosses. It boils down to spamming the attack button, with occasional special attacks. The game does get a tad repetitive, especially with the amount of fetch or kill X number of enemies quests. It’s not nearly as repetitive as Echo Generation, though.

Combat Action combat


A polished game targeting a younger demographic.

Overall rating: 7.4

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