(Film Review) Star Wars Episode IX:​ The Rise of Skywalker

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J.J. Abrams has the unenviable task of salvaging the disastrous plot from Episode VIII. He kept some of the new additions (extra overpowered force powers) and removed others (the character of Rose). Overall the plot is a smorgasbord of different plots and storylines; the main story surrounds the revival of Darth Sidius (who apparently had the foresight to clone himself), who has assembled a fleet of planet-destroying ships and is preparing to attack the galaxy. Our merry band of rebels must adventure across the galaxy to discover the location of the fleet and destroy it before it can attack the galaxy.

The story makes no sense and is built around dramatic confrontations with extra special effects. There were probably too many plot twists, so many so, that it felt the plot twists weren't added to cause excitement, but were added because the plot is indecisive on the direction it wants to go and plot holes must be covered (Rey's background, for instance). The lack of structure and overcomplexity of the plot makes this film particularly illogical and unmemorable.

There were some good things about the film, such as the chemistry and conflict built up between Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) over the previous two films coming into full display. The dialogue, especially the comic breaks, were also well executed and not overly corny. My favourite aspect of this film is the ending, which by itself, is incredible. I think if this film was just the ending, it'd be one of the top Star Wars movies, but unfortunately viewers have to sit through the terrible first 90% of the film to get to it.


A weird confusing plot but a spectacular conclusion that almost made up for it.

Overall rating: 7.0

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